kaseh&yayah went out w izyan's friend,
&izyan's friend happened to be my friendsterfriend.
what a coincidence gituk (:
liya has been regarded as one of my dearestt ;D
another of izyan's friend is Mira (:
Mira is amirul's sister,
&amirul is an ex bdsian.
banyak cnnection laa eh!

as mid year's coming, we planned to study together,
but nah, after an hour of studying, we headed pasiris park
&camwhoreddddddddd ;biasa jugaak.

ouh yaa, saw hakim dunmansec at mcd downtown,
thanks fr the cmpliment eh friend (:
he texted me, "kaseh2.. hakim tkleh lupa wajah kaseh tau.. asik tringat2 jek.. eu really look sweet&cute.. mcm doll gituk.. (:"
but i insisted tht im not &told him tht i looked terribly faaat.
kaseh's trying to be humble gituk kaan, ahaha~
well, its true tht kaseh is neither pretty nor cute. &kaseh's faaaaaat! ergh.
&hakim, sorry. i know tht ive been a bad friend to you. ):
initially, i thought this outing gonna be a girls outing,
but noot.
once we've reached pasirispark, i was told tht apek&haikal will be coming.
at tht point of time, i totally have no idea who those guys actually are.
when those guys were approaching us, i was totally shocked&,
"eh! afiq?! haikal?!", ahahaha~
the funny part was aboutt izyan, mira, liya, esp afiq&haikal,
they looked at me w a big question mark on their faces, paisey sey kaseh. aha!
they're my long lost primary schl friends!,
&whaaaat?!, they dont recognise me at all?!
like what ive predicted, semuanya yg kaseh met on tht particular day ada connection nan kaseh,
afiq&kaseh ;
kwn je eh! ~
my longlonglost primary schl friend.looking forward to meet you people agaaaain,! (: